
 Fluid dynamics of non-fluids
主讲人: Dr. 严力 Li Yan (复旦大学)
地点: 物理南楼408
时间: 2020年12月17日 (周四) 下午15:00
主持 联系人: 刘佳


Relativistic hydrodynamics is the standard theory that describes fluid systems undergoing rapid expansion, such as the quark-gluon plasma in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Recently, much attention of the theoretical formulation of hydrodynamics has been brought to the generalization of hydrodynamics to out of equilibrium. This is partly motivated by the measurements of collective flow in heavy-ion collisions, especially those observed in small colliding systems, and also the beam energy scan program for searching the QCD critical point. In this talk, I am going to discuss the theoretical aspect of the out-of-equilibrium fluid dynamics, and its relation to the resurgence theory.

About the speaker: 

严力(Li Yan)博士于2004年清华大学本科毕业,2007年清华大学硕士毕业,2013年在纽约州立大学石溪分校博士毕业,2013-2016年在法国原子能委员会理论物理研究所做博士后研究,2016-2018年在加拿大麦吉尔大学做博士后研究,2019年任复旦大学现代物理研究所研究员。主要从事高能核物理和相对论重离子碰撞研究。

Online: Tencent/VOOV Meeting (腾讯会议) ID: 335 2914 1087