
A New Mask for An Old Suspect
主讲人: Dr. 钟益鸣 Yiming Zhong (芝加哥大学)
地点: 物理南楼408
时间: 2020年12月10日(周四) 下午13:00
主持 联系人: 刘佳


The Fermi-LAT collaboration has released a new point source catalog, referred to as 4FGL. For the first time, we perform a template fit using information from this new catalog and find that the Galactic center excess is still present. On the other hand, we find that a wavelet-based search for point sources is highly sensitive to the use of the 4FGL catalog: no excess of bright regions on small angular scales is apparent when we mask out 4FGL point sources. We postulate that the 4FGL catalog contains the large majority of bright point sources that have previously been suggested to account for the excess in gamma rays detected at the Galactic center in Fermi-LAT data. Furthermore, after identifying which bright sources have no known counterpart, we place constraints on the luminosity function necessary for point sources to explain the smooth emission seen in the template fit. Further details can be found in arXiv: 1911.12369.

About the speaker:

钟益鸣(Yiming Zhong)博士于2009年南开大学本科毕业,2010年加拿大圆周理论物理研究所硕士毕业,2010-2016年在纽约州立大学石溪分校博士毕业,2016-2019年在波士顿大学做博士后研究,2019年至今在芝加哥大学大学任KICP fellow。现在主要做粒子物理理论,特别是暗物质物理。

Online: Tencent/VOOV Meeting (腾讯会议) ID: 335 2914 1087