陈东的一生是精彩的。就像同学们在缅怀追思中所说:“陈东是我们7802第一才子。他生活的每一天都是灿烂的。他自己是发光的, 同时也照亮了他身边的人。”
Tony Dong Chen, a patent attorney and leading member of Southern California's
Chinese community, died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles after a
sixteen-month struggle with cancer. He was 55.
Tony was born on January 24th, 1960, in Beijing, China. He graduated from
Peking University with a B.S. in Physics in 1982, and came to the United States
in 1984. He obtained an M.S. in Physics from California State University,
Northridge in 1986, and a J.D. from Loyola Law School in 1994.
Tony was a partner at Rosza& Chen, Bingham McCutchen, and Sheppard Mullin,
before joining Chen Yoshimura as a partner in 2009. Tony specialized in
litigation related to intellectual property, business transaction, and corporate
law matters.
Tony was also a well-respected leader in the Southern California Chinese
community. He was a founding member and Secretary General of both the Chinese
CEO Organization and the Roundtable of Chinese-American Organizations.
Besides his deep devotion to his family, Tony retained a lifelong affection
for classical Chinese literature and history. He also enjoyed outdoor
activities, including skiing and hiking, as well as games of all kinds.
He is survived by his wife, Weining Yang, and his three children, Alexander,
Julia, and Kevin; his parents, and siblings.
A private service will be held for family members only. A tribute to Tony's
life will be held on March 21st, 2-6 pm, at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Los
Angeles. Further details will follow.
For those who want to share tributes, photographs, or other remembrances of
Tony, please email your memorial to [email protected]. We will compile
these memories into a tribute book.
For those who want to send condolences, in lieu of flowers, please make a
donation to either Cedars-Sinai Medical Center cancer research (//giving.cedars-sinai.edu/ways-to-give/tribute-and-memorial-gifts)
or the University of California Irvine Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
(//www.cancer.uci.edu -> Philanthropy), in memory of Tony Chen.
7802 执委会 2015年2月26日