
Ferromagnetic quantum criticality
主讲人: 袁辉球(浙江大学)
地点: 腾讯会议ID: 560-850-906
时间: 时间: 2022年4月20日 (周三)下午3:00
主持 联系人: 李源<[email protected]>
主讲人简介: 袁辉球,浙江大学物理系求是特聘教授、关联物质研究中心常务副主任。1999-2003年在德国马普固体化学物理研究所攻读博士学位,获德累斯顿工业大学理学博士,随后在美国伊利诺依大学香槟分校和拉斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室从事博士后研究工作,2008年回国,任职浙江大学。先后入选教育部长江学者特聘教授、国家万人计划创新领军人才、APS fellow。


In strongly correlated electron systems, a magnetic transition can be continuously suppressed to zero temperature upon applying a non-thermal parameter like pressure, magnetic field or doping, giving rise to a quantum critical point (QCP), around which unconventional superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behavior may appear [1]. Over the past years, antiferromagnetic quantum criticality has been widely observed in various correlated systems. However, a ferromagnetic quantum critical point is usually avoided in a clean ferromagnetic system. Recently, we show clear evidence for a pressure-induced ferromagnetic quantum critical point and the associated strange behavior in the stoichiometric heavy fermion metal CeRh6Ge4 [2]. In this seminar, I will present our progresses on the studies of this compound, including the effect of pressure [2] and chemical doping [3], measurements of quantum oscillations [4], ARPES [5] and neutron scattering [6].


[1] Z. F. Weng et al., Rep. Prog. Phys. 79, 094503 (2016).

[2] B. Shen et al., Nature 579, 51 (2020).

[3] Y. J. Zhang et al., unpublished.

[4] A. Wang et al., Science Bulletin 66, 1389 (2021)

[5] Y. Wu et al., PRL 126, 216406 (2021)

[6] J. W. Shu et al., PRB 104, L140411 (2021)