
Convective storms in West Africa: land surface drivers and long-term trends
主讲人: Dr. Christopher Taylor(UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)
地点: 物理大楼北547教室 (ZOOM ID: 97269459489 Password: 978503)
时间: 2023年5月10日(星期三),15:00—16:30
主持 联系人: 俞妍 ([email protected])
主讲人简介: Dr. Taylor got his BSc in Physics at University of Sussex in 1989, MSc in Atmospheric Science at University of East Anglia in 1991, and PhD at University of Reading in 1996. Dr. Taylor has worked at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Wallingford since 1992 researching how properties of the land surface, such as soil moisture and vegetation cover, influence weather and climate. Whilst trained as a modeller, he has increasingly focused on using observations to identify how fluxes of moisture and sensible heat from the land affect the lower atmosphere and convective rainfall. Much of his work has been motivated by the need to better understand the climate of semi-arid regions, in particular in West Africa.