
Mitigating Environmental and Health Damages: Opportunities from Changes in Food Production and Consumption Practices in China
主讲人: Dr. Yixin Guo
地点: 物理楼北539
时间: 2019年12月19日,周四,10:00—11:00


Unsustainable agricultural production practices and recent dietary shifts in China have increased environmental (reactive nitrogen loss causing water, air pollution, and climate warming) and health damages (dietary-related premature deaths). Among the less well studied effects have been contributions of poor agricultural nitrogen management and rapidly-changing food choices to the country’s ammonia (NH3) emissions and severe particulate matter air pollution. My work explores 1) opportunities from agricultural production-side management improvements for simultaneously addressing China’s air pollution low nitrogen use efficiency and food security problems; and 2) dietary health and environmental trade-offs and co-benefits in Chinese dietary transitions towards potential future diets.