
Tide and magnetic field of star, exoplanet and exomoon
主讲人: Xing Wei (北京师范大学)
地点: KIAA-Auditorium
时间: 2024年3月28日(星期四)15:30—16:30
主持 联系人: 吴学兵([email protected]
主讲人简介: Xing Wei is professor at BNU. He studied BS at Tsinghua and PhD at Cambridge then worked at ETH, Gottingen, Princeton and SJTU before joining BNU.

报告摘要I will report on my recent projects about tide and magnetic field of celestial bodies such as star, exoplanet and exomoon. The projects are as follows. (1) stellar magnetic dynamo: field-rotation relation in anisotropic rotating turbulence; (2) stellar oblique rotator: why solar radiative zone is in uniform rotation; (3) stellar wave transmission: can internal waves transmit at the interface of radiative and convective zones; (4) magnetic tide: ohmic dissipation needs to be taken into account for orbital evolution; (5) tidal resonance: the resonance of tidal wave and orbital motion; (6) exoplanet's inflation: radius anomaly of hot Jupiters; (7) exomoon's retention: where to detect exomoons.

主讲人简介Xing Wei is professor at BNU. He studied BS at Tsinghua and PhD at Cambridge then worked at ETH, Gottingen, Princeton and SJTU before joining BNU.