
Studying the Baryon Cycle at High-redshift Universe through both Emission and Absorption
主讲人: Zheng Cai (清华大学)
地点: KIAA-Auditorium
时间: 2023年12月28日(星期四)15:30—16:30
主持 联系人: 王菁([email protected])
主讲人简介: Zheng Cai, associate professor at Tsinghua University. Zheng Cai got his PhD degree in astrophysics from the University of Arizona in 2015, and conducted postdoctoral studies at the University of California from 2015 to 2019, with the title of Hubble + IMPS Fellow. From 2019, he joined Department of Astronomy, Tsinghua University. His main research focus include high redshift galaxies and their connection with large-scale environment (e.g., protoclusters), the circumgalactic medium. He has discovered the brightest nebulae in the early universe. He is also involved in the development of next-generation telescopes and survey instruments, including construction of the World's Largest Spectroscopic Survey Telescope (MUST).

报告摘要In this talk, I will present our survey of galaxies and enormous Lya nebulae at z=2. Using JWST and ground-based all wavelength studies, we studied the detailed kinematics and properties of the circumgalactic medium (CGM) through the spatially-resolved emission and absorption. Combined with simulations, our observations are able to compare with detailed modeling and probe how galaxies are fed by the intergalactic medium and circumgalactic medium. Further, I will talk about future surveys using MUltiplexed Survey Telescope (MUST).

主讲人简介Zheng Cai, associate professor at Tsinghua University. Zheng Cai got his PhD degree in astrophysics from the University of Arizona in 2015, and conducted postdoctoral studies at the University of California from 2015 to 2019, with the title of Hubble + IMPS Fellow. From 2019, he joined Department of Astronomy, Tsinghua University. His main research focus include high redshift galaxies and their connection with large-scale environment (e.g., protoclusters), the circumgalactic medium. He has discovered the brightest nebulae in the early universe. He is also involved in the development of next-generation telescopes and survey instruments, including construction of the World's Largest Spectroscopic Survey Telescope (MUST).