
The binarity in massive star explosion -- A 12.4 day periodicity in a close binary system after a supernova
主讲人: Ping Chen(魏茨曼科学研究所)
地点: KIAA-auditorium
时间: 2023年10月26日(星期四)15:30—16:30
主持 联系人: Zhuo Li([email protected])
主讲人简介: Ping Chen is a Benoziyo fellow at the Weizmann Institute of Science. He graduated from the department of Astronomy of PKU in 2021.He has broad interest in observational studies on cosmic explosions especially supernovae.

报告摘要Neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes are the remnants of massive star explosions. Most massive stars reside in close binary systems, but signatures for binarity or evidencefor the formation of a compact object during a supernova explosion are still lacking. In this talk, I report the discovery of a stripped-envelope supernova, SN2022jli, which shows 12.4-dayperiodic undulations during the declining light curve. Narrow Hαemission is detected in late-time spectra with concordant periodic velocity shifts, likely arising from hydrogen gas stripped from a companion and accreted onto the compact remnant. A new Fermi-LAT gamma-ray source is temporally and positionally consistent with SN2022jli. The arrival times of the gamma-ray photons also show evidence of the 12.4-day period, strengthening the association of the gamma-ray source with SN2022jli. The observed properties of SN2022jli, including periodic undulations in the optical light curve, coherent Hαemission shifting, and evidence for a gamma-ray source, point to the explosion of a massive star in a binary system leaving behind a bound compact remnant. Mass accretion from the companion star onto the compact object powersthe light curve of the supernova and generates the gamma-ray emission. The discovery of SN 2022jli opena new window to directly probe the final evolution of massive compact binaries, including accretion-powered systems and, eventually, the progenitors of gravitational wave sources.

主讲人简介Ping Chen is a Benoziyo fellow at the Weizmann Institute of Science. He graduated from the department of Astronomy of PKU in 2021.He has broad interest in observational studies on cosmic explosions especially supernovae.