
From the Within Comes the Appearance: The Fascinating Journey of Open Star Clusters from Formation to Evolution
主讲人: Xiaoying Pang (西交利物浦大学)
地点: KIAA-Auditorium
时间: 2023年6月14日(星期三)15:30—16:30
主持 联系人: 王科([email protected])
主讲人简介: Xiaoying Pang is currently an associate professor at the department of Physics of Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool university (Suzhou). She got her PhD in Heidelberg University working with Prof. Dr. Eva Grebel on the origin of mass segregation in star clusters. Afterward, she did postdoctoral work with Prof. Dr. Rainer Spurzem at NAOC on NBODY simulations of star clusters. Her research interest focusses on the evolution and disruption of open clusters and comparison between observations and numerical simulations. Personal webpage: //www.xjtlu.edu.cn/zh/study/departments/academic-departments/physics/department-staff/academic-staff/staff/xiaoying-pang

报告摘要The physical appearance of open clusters reflects the underlying star formation process and is a consequence of their dynamic evolution. Many young clusters or groups of stars exhibit a filamentary morphology, which is a heritage of the elongated shape of the molecular clouds in which they form. Conversely, older clusters display extended spatial structures, which are caused by the interplay of internal dynamical evolution and the external Galactic tidal field, resulting in tidal tails. In this talk, I will present the three-dimensional morphology of open clusters in the solar neighborhood based on observational data from Gaia EDR3, DR3. The morphology is quantified using an ellipsoid, and we find that the elongated direction of clusters with tidal tails aligns with the Galactic plane. Our results support the hierarchical star formation model in the solar neighborhood based on the spatial and kinetic characteristics of the young stellar groups. N-body simulations are utilized to compare the observations and quantify the initial conditions during the formation of open clusters. Furthermore, we use simulations to predict the future evolutionary trends of binary clusters and hierarchical young stellar groups.

主讲人简介Xiaoying Pang is currently an associate professor at the department of Physics of Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool university (Suzhou). She got her PhD in Heidelberg University working with Prof. Dr. Eva Grebel on the origin of mass segregation in star clusters. Afterward, she did postdoctoral work with Prof. Dr. Rainer Spurzem at NAOC on NBODY simulations of star clusters. Her research interest focusses on the evolution and disruption of open clusters and comparison between observations and numerical simulations. Personal webpage: //www.xjtlu.edu.cn/zh/study/departments/academic-departments/physics/department-staff/academic-staff/staff/xiaoying-pang