
Gravitational wave astronomy: some investigations on binary neutron stars and supermassive binary black holes
主讲人: Xingjiang Zhu(北京师范大学珠海分校)
地点: KIAA-Auditorium
时间: 2023年3月30日(星期四)15:00—16:00
主持 联系人: 邵立晶([email protected])
主讲人简介: Dr ZHU Xingjiang (朱兴江) is a faculty member at the Advanced Institute of Natural Sciences, Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai). He was an OzGrav Research Fellow (2017 - 21) at the School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University, Australia. Prior to that, he was first a PhD student (2011-15) and then a Research Associate (2015-17) at The University of Western Australia. Dr Zhu's research interests include gravitational-wave astrophysics, pulsars and data analysis. He has been a member of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array project since 2013, and was a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (2012-2021). Dr Zhu currently serves on the KAGRA Scientific Congress (KSC) board.

报告摘要:Gravitational wave astronomy is revolutionizing our understanding of the Universe. Since the historic discovery of GW150914 in 2015,ground-based interferometershave discoveredover 90 compact binarycoalescence events. These events, lasting from fractions of seconds to minutes, include stellar-mass binary black holes, binary neutron stars and neutron star-black hole binaries. Meanwhile, pulsar timing arrays arebeingexploitedto search for gravitational waves with periods of years to decades. After several decades of international efforts,wemay be finally approaching the sensitivity to detect waves from supermassive binary black holes. In this talk, I will briefly summarize recent progresses and future prospects of gravitational wave astronomy on both short and long timescales, whilefocusingon the study of binary neutron stars andsupermassive binary black holes.

主讲人简介:Dr ZHU Xingjiang (朱兴江) is a faculty member at the Advanced Institute of Natural Sciences, Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai). He was an OzGrav Research Fellow (2017 - 21) at the School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University, Australia. Prior to that, he was first a PhD student (2011-15) and then a Research Associate (2015-17) at The University of Western Australia. Dr Zhu's research interests include gravitational-wave astrophysics, pulsars and data analysis. He has been a member of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array project since 2013, and was a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (2012-2021). Dr Zhu currently serves on the KAGRA Scientific Congress (KSC) board.