报告摘要:Understanding the evolution of structure formation in the young Universe remains one of the outstanding challenges for modern astronomy. By observing the Universe at longer FIR-to-cm wavelengths we can obtain a unique perspective on the growth of massive galaxies at high-redshift. Powerful radio galaxies have long been known to act as the sign posts for over-dense regions when the Universe was less than half of its present age. This has led to the assumption that these may signify early proto-clusters of galaxies. Similarly, submm-wavelength continuum observations trace the formation of obscured galaxy formation out to the early Universe, and so targeted submm-wavelength surveys of radio galaxy fields can assess the degree to which dusty starburst galaxies may be associated with proto-cluster regions. To this end, we have conducted The RAdio Galaxy Environment Reference Survey (RAGERS) using the East Asian Observatory on Mauna Kea. I will present maps and preliminary results on the submm sources, their number counts and the associated Very Large Array radio observations of the fields of more than 20 high-redshift radio galaxies. We address the question of whether the FIR and radio-selected galaxies may be more abundant around power radio galaxies relative to what is observed in the field.
▪ Project Scientist responsible for community engagement and design of world’s largest radio telescope (Square Kilometre Array)
▪ Data analyst and telescope commissioning team lead during construction of billion dollar telescope in Chile (Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array)
▪ Research scientist studying the formation of galaxies (over 110 published articles)
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