
Magnetospheric physics of magnetars
主讲人: Hao Tong (广州大学)
地点: Remote Talk
时间: 2022年9月15日(星期四)15:30—16:30
主持 联系人: 邵立晶 ([email protected])
主讲人简介: H. Tong got his PhD in Nanjing University in 2010. As a PostDoc in Institute of high energy physics in Chinese Academy of Sciences from 2010-2012. Later he worked in Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Science (2012-2017), and Guangzhou University (2017--now). H. Tong mainly worked on the theoretical aspects of pulsars and magnetars. We are especially interested in magnetars and related pulsar like objects (XDINS, CCO, HBPSR, accreting magnetars etc).

报告摘要The multiwavelength observations and theoretical modelings of magnetars are presented. Magnetars may be young neutron stars having strong magnetic field. They are different from normal pulsars mainly because their magnetic field may be twisted. A twisted magnetic field will explain the outburst, timing and radio polarization of magnetars. Possible presence of multipole field may also explain the rapid position angle variation of magnetars.

主讲人简介H. Tong got his PhD in Nanjing University in 2010. As a PostDoc in Institute of high energy physics in Chinese Academy of Sciences from 2010-2012. Later he worked in Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Science (2012-2017), and Guangzhou University (2017--now). H. Tong mainly worked on the theoretical aspects of pulsars and magnetars. We are especially interested in magnetars and related pulsar like objects (XDINS, CCO, HBPSR, accreting magnetars etc).


Zoom Link: //zoom.us/j/87479260027?pwd=SGNEeThERHBJZ3R5WEJRN3d3U20xdz09

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