
Multi-messanger astrophysics of compact binary mergers
主讲人: Kenta Hotokezaka (Tokyo University)
时间: 2021年5月13日(周四)16:00—17:00
主讲人简介: I received a PhD in Physics from Kyoto University in 2014 under the supervision of Prof. Takashi Nakamura and Prof. Masaru Shibata, with a thesis focused on a numerical relativity simulation of binary neutron star mergers and their multi-messenger signatures. I was working at Hebrew University of Jerusalem from 2014 to 2016. I was a Flatiron research fellow at CCA at Simons Foundation in 2017, and a Lyman Spitzer Jr. fellow at Princeton University from 2017 to 2019. Since 2019 I'm a faculty member at the University of Tokyo.

A big step forward in multi-messange astrophysics has  recently occurred by the first detection of gravitational waves, GW150914 and the first simultaneous detection of gravitational-wave and electromagnetic signals from a binary neutron star merger GW170817. In this talk, I'll give an overview of what we learned from the multi-messanger signals of GW170817 including the neutron star equation of state, r-process nucleosynthesis, as well as the Hubble constant. I'll also talk about a recent progress on the modelings of late-time kilonovae, where local thermodynamic equilibrium is no longer valid. Finally, the latest observations and  interpretation of non-thermal afterglows at ~ 3.5 years after the merger.