
Probing growth of structure & star-formation history in the Universe
主讲人: Hao-Yi Wu,The Ohio State University
地点: KIAA-PKU Auditorium
时间: 2020年1月3日(周五) 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Probing growth of structure & star-formation history in the Universe

The acceleration of the Universe is one of the biggest puzzles in physics: is it due to a cosmological constant, dynamical dark energy, or modification of gravity? A detailed measurement of growth of structure is required to answer this question. In the first part, I will talk about how galaxy cluster surveys are essential for measuring growth of structure and for constraining cosmic acceleration. I will focus on current and next-generation optical imaging surveys, as well as the synergy with X-ray, submillimeter, and spectroscopic surveys. In the second part, I will talk about how to probe cosmic star-formation history using cosmic far-infrared background (CIB), which originates from unresolved, dusty star-forming galaxies across cosmic time. Combining tools from intensity mapping surveys and galaxy evolution models, I interpret the CIB measurements from Planck satellite and constrain cosmic star-formation density beyond resolved UV and IR sources.


    Hao-Yi Wu

    The Ohio State University

Place:KIAA-PKU Auditorium

Host:Ran Wang

Time:Friday, January 3, 2020 -3:00pmto4:00pm