
Factorization at Subleading Power and Endpoint Divergences in SCET
主讲人: Xing Wang(Mainz University)
地点: 物理南楼408
时间: 2020年9月24日,周四,下午15:00。
主持 联系人: 刘佳


   among decades, there are a lot of successful applications using EFTs at the leading power of power counting parameters, e.g., HQET and SCET for Drell-Yan processes and top pair production. Factorization, renormalization and resummation in the framework of EFTs at subleading power are not only interesting from theoretical aspect themselves, but also necessary in the precise era of collider physics. However, at subheading power, several new generic features

emerge, e.g., convolution of several fraction distributed operators and end-point divergence. Here I present our recent works on Higgs decaying to two photons via a b quark loop, showing how to renormalize and resum large logarithm of the two mass scales consistently in the framework of SCET. It is a non-trivial example on how to deal with end-point divergence and to predict higher order corrections correctly.


   Xing Wang got his Bachelor from Peking University at 2014 and earned his Ph.D degree from Peking University at 2019. Since then, he works at THEP of Mainz University as a postdoc. His research interests mainly focus on factorization structure at sub-leading order of power counting in SCET and precision calculation for Collider Physics.

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