1. “凝聚态物理之友”科学报告会(2004-1)
报告题目:Using Reflectance to Determine the Mechanism of Superconductivity
报告人:Professor Frank Marsiglio
报告会组织者:田光善教授 Professor Marsiglio很想同毕业班的同学们在会后一谈。
2. “凝聚态物理之友”科学报告会(2004-2)
3. “凝聚态物理之友”科学报告会(2004-3)
报告会组织者:俞大鹏 62759474 高义华博士简历:本科毕业于华中理工大学物理系,后师从中科院电镜实验室张泽院士完成博士论文,随后前往日本,与日本著名科学家Bando教授开展了一维纳米材料方面的深入研究工作,以第一作者身份在Nature、Science、Applied Physics Letters等国际重要学术刊物上发了一系列非常有意义的研究结果;其一个标志性工作是利用纳米碳管和液态金属填充的方法制备了纳米温度计,发表在nature杂志上,引起广泛关注。
4. “凝聚态物理之友”科学报告会(2004-4)
报告题目:The Magnetic Phase Diagram of High Temperture Superconductors
报告人:Mike McElfresh博士
任职学术单位:Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory材料科学部主任;Quantum Design公司的资深客户顾问
报告时间:2004年4月5日(星期一) 下午3:00
5. “凝聚态物理之友”科学报告会(2004-5)
报告题目:Semiconducting and Piezoelectric Nanobelts, Nanosprings and Nanorings - Synthesis, characterization and properties
报告人:Prof. Wang Zhong Lin
任职学术单位:School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta 30332-0245
报告时间:六月十六日, 10:00-11:30 pm
报告地点:北京大学 现代物理中心报告厅
报告会组织者:北京大学纳米结构与低维物理实验室举办 联系人:俞大鹏 报告人简介: Zhong Lin (ZL) Wang received his Ph.D. in Physics from Arizona State University in 1987. He is currently a Regents\' Professor, the Director of the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Wang has authored and co-authored four scientific reference and textbooks and over 350 journal articles, edited and co-edited eight volumes of books on nanotechnology. He is the world’s top 25 most cited authors in nanotechnology for the last decade (ISI). His works have been cited for over 6000 times. He has received the 2001 S.T. Li prize for Outstanding Contribution in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, the 2000 Georgia Tech Faculty Research Award, and the 1999 Burton Medal from Microscopy Society of America. His most recent research focuses on oxide nanobelts and nanowires, in-situ techniques for nano-scale measurements, self-assembly nanostructures, fabrication of nano devices, and properties of magnetic nanostructures. //www.nanoscience.gatech.edu/zlwang/ Abstract of the Report: Nanowire and nanotube based materials have been demonstrated as building blocks for nanocircuits, nanosystems and nano-optoelectronics. Quasi-one-dimensional nanostructures (so called nanobelts or nanoribbons) have been successfully synthesized for semiconducting oxides of zinc, tin, indium, cadmium and gallium, by simply evaporating the desired commercial metal oxide powders at high temperatures [1]. The belt-like morphology appears to be a unique and common structural characteristic for the family of semiconducting oxides with cations of different valence states and materials of distinct crystallographic structures. Using the technique demonstrated for measuring the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes based on in-situ transmission electron microscopy [2,3], the bending modulus of the oxide nanobelts has been measured, and the nanobelt is shown to be a dual mode nanoresonator for NEMS technology. Field effect transistors [4] and ultra-sensitive nano-size gas sensors [5], nanoresonators and nanocantilevers [6] have also been fabricated based on individual nanobelts. Thermal transport along the nanobelt has also been measured. Very recently, nanobelts, nanorings and nanosprings that exhibit piezoelectric properties have been synthesized, which are potential candidates for nano-scale traducers, actuators and sensors [7, 8, 9]. The discovery of single-crystal perfect nanorings and its “slinky” growth model will be presented [10].
6. “凝聚态物理之友”科学报告会(2004-6)
7. “凝聚态物理之友”科学报告会(2004-7)
8. “凝聚态物理之友”科学报告会(2004-8)
9. “凝聚态物理之友”科学报告会(2004-9)
10. “凝聚态物理之友”科学报告会(2004-10)
11. “凝聚态物理之友”科学报告会(2004-11)
▲2003年凝聚态之友科学报告会一览 ▲2002年凝聚态之友科学报告会一览 ▲2001年凝聚态之友科学报告会一览 |